Magnetic compensation flight procedures are required after each new installation of the magnetic sensors.


Magnetic measurements can reveal the strength and direction of the geomagnetic field. One or two Cesium magnetometers are mounted in a combination of nose and/or tail booms. In addition, a Fluxgate Magnetometer for attitude compensation is installed. The sensor system and real-time compensation are controlled by an external unit (AADC II) mounted in a rack. Magnetic base stations with Overhauser magnetometers are used for ground reference of the airborne measurements.

Manufacturer RMS Instruments, Scintrex Ltd., RMS Instruments
Model see subdevices
Serial No. n/a
Type magnetometer


Name Institution Role
Graeme Eagles Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact

Available devices and Specifications

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Automatic Aeromagnetic Digital Compensator AADCII 9903860 ↪ REGISTRY (6824)
Cesium Magnetometer CS-3 9511042 ↪ REGISTRY (6816)
Cesium Magnetometer CS-3 9503008 ↪ REGISTRY (6817)
Cesium Magnetometer CS-3 9810135 ↪ REGISTRY (6818)
Cesium Magnetometer CS-3 9808131 ↪ REGISTRY (6819)
Cesium Magnetometer CS-3 1203404 ↪ REGISTRY (6820)
Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM100G1E 110 ↪ REGISTRY (6821)
Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM100G1E 999 ↪ REGISTRY (6822)

Specifications of RMS Compensator AADC II (without mounting)

Specifications of CS-3 Scintrex Cesium Magnetometers (without mounting)

The CS-3 magnetometers are installed at the tips of the noseboom and the tailboom. Length of the noseboom from the tip of the aircraft is about 3.3 m.

Specifications of Billingsley Fluxgate Magnetometer (without mounting)


InfoCS-3 Cesium Magnetometers are mounted in a tail and a nose boom respectively. Additionally, a fluxgate magnetometer is mounted close to the aileron. Electronics are stored in a rack.
X0.0 none
Y0.0 none
Z0.0 none

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameter

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
magnetic field compensated magnetic field nT
magnetic field raw magnetic field nT
magnetic field total magnetic field nT
magnetic field uncompensated magnetic field nT
magnetic field x-component magnetic field nT
magnetic field y-component magnetic field nT
magnetic field z-component magnetic field nT

Rawdata storage on board

Data archiving on land

