SENSOR User Best Practices and Infos

How do I display measured data in the dashboard?

There are three ways to pick up data automatically:

Raw data requires a driver that converts the data to an NRT data file.
These scripts can be written in Python, Matlab or BASH-Shell.
These scripts can be deposited with our service and are automatically applied to every download. However, it is also possible to send an NRT data file directly, the description of an NRT data file follows on the next page. If the data is available in the NRT-Database, it can be used immediately in the dashboard.

How can I create a dashboard?

You need an account for
With this account you can also log in at
With you can create your own dashboards. The data from the NRT-Database can be mapped into diagrams. There are five chart types available line chart, bar chart, stacked bar chart, scatter plot, box plot
All public dashboards can be found on the home page (if you are not logged in)

Description of an NRT-Datafile

The NRT-Datafile serves an interface between your own file format and the NRT-Database-Import-Software InsertDB. If measurement data is to be written to the NRT database, it must be provided in the format described below.


Header row with Sensor-IDs and physical Unit

Time t with measured value

Time t+1 with measured value

Time t+n with measured value

Description of a Header row:

Timestamp and the sensor IDs are required in the header line, timestamp with time and the sensor URNs in the form platform:device:sensor. Blanks are replaced by underscore (_) in the device and sensor parts. Otherwise only alphanumeric characters are allowed. You see your sensor URN under the Parameters Tab, hover on a short name of a Parameter.  The separator between the timestamp and the sensor IDs is a semicolon. The physical Units are placed in square brackets and is optional.

time; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:pressure[hPa]; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:temperature[°C]

Description of measurement data line(s)

The time is given in UTC, so no local time or even summer time! The separator in the timestamp between Date and Time is either a T or a blank. The specification of milliseconds is optional.

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.mmm]


The timestamp as well as the measured values ​​are also to be separated with semicolon. The decimal separator is a point.


2016-04-21 16:50:30;1004.0;22.5


Example of an NRT-Datafile

time; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:pressure[hPa]; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:temperature[°C]

2016-04-21 16:50:30;1004.0;22.5

2016-04-21 17:00:30;1003.0;22.4


time; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:pressure[hPa]; vessel:polarstern:ctd964:temperature[°C]

