In order to assure good metadata quality, projects and institutions using SENSOR are requested to nomminate a chief editor. To date, the role of the chief editor is:

  1. Identify and document best practices for using SENSOR (agreed in the team of chief editors) and creating metadata in the context of a given institute and/or project
  2. Organize tutorials for editors in their institute and/or project on a regular basis.  If wished, the O2A team can upload webminars for specific projects in our YouTube channel (contact o2a-support (at)   In particular, it is crucial that the following issues re covered in the tutorials (see best practices):
    1. "Collection" assignment
    2. "Contact" assignment, in particular the role "owner" so that the ownership/affiliation of sensors are assigned to the respective institutes.  Make sure you request all editors to assign you under role "Editor" as well so that you will be able to perform actions 5 and 6 below
    3. "Actions" assignment, in particular clarification on for which action types a version with respective PID and citation is created.   
    4. Items for which a version exists (PID + citation listed under "History") can only be moved back to "construction" state or deleted by SENSOR administrators (send email to o2a-support (at) ) 
  3. Remind editors about new functionality released in SENSOR.  Although software improvements will be posted under "Release Notes"  and all editors will be notifed via email, it is crucial that you remind editors of these, in particular in the copntext of your project.
  4. Periodically control the items created and modified by editors of the own institue/group stored in SENSOR for correctness and completeness and notify editors accordingly
  5. Move items witohut a PID back to "construction" state, if these do not have adequate metadata.   Chief editors are expected to notify the original editor themselves 
  6. Delete "trainning" items or any other which do not belong in the repository.  Chief editors are expected to notify the original editor themselves

Please note that within the framework of upcoming projects (e.g. DAM) and integration of existing systems (e.g. DSHIP, DASHBOARD) we will be adapting and extending the role definition and the best practices accordingly.  Editors will be notified in due course.



Antonia Immerz
and team leaders


Ingo Schewe
and team leaders


Saskia Bacher

