
Cryosat-2 Level-1 data is courtesy of ESA.
See the official ESA CryoSat website or the  ESA CryoSat-2 Wiki for details.

Current Version

The current version of the AWI CryoSat-2 sea ice product in the northern hemisphere is version 2.1 that has been released in October 2018. The previous versions have been discontinued and regular.

Please see What's new in version 2.1 and how to Access Data Products.

Data Access

How to cite the data?

A citable Product User Guide will be published shortly

Data Content & Format

Parameter NameDescriptionTrajectory ProductGridded Product

Version History

PlatformVersionTimelinessStartEndProduct LevelStatusDocumentation
CryoSat-2v1.2Reprocessed (+1 month)2010-112017-04L3C (monthly grids)discontinuedepic.awi.de
CryoSat-2v2.0Reprocessed (+1 month)
Near-real time (+2 day)
2010-112018-04L2P (daily trajectory)
L3C (weekly/monthly)
CryoSat-2v2.1Reprocessed (+1 month)
Near-real time (+2 day)
2010-11ongoingL2P (daily trajectory)
L3C (weekly/monthly)