
Cryosat-2 Level-1 data is courtesy of ESA. See the official ESA CryoSat website or the  ESA CryoSat-2 Wiki for details

Current Version

Data Access & Format

FTP Access

The data can be downloaded by ftp at:


(Anonymous login)

and the following subfolders for trajectory/gridded and reprocessed/near-real time products.

Reprocessed (1 month delay)Near-real time (2 days delay)
Daily Trajectoryl2p_trajectoryl2p_trajectory/Latest
Weekly Griddedl3c_grid/weeklyl3c_grid/weekly/Latest
Monthly Griddedl3c_grid/monthlyl3c_grid/monthly/Latest

How to cite the data?

Data Content

Version History

PlatformVersionTimelinessStartEndProduct LevelStatusDocumentation
CryoSat-2v1.2Reprocessed (+1 month)2010-112017-04L3C (monthly grids)discontinuedepic.awi.de
CryoSat-2v2.0Reprocessed (+1 month)
Near-real time (+2 day)
2010-112018-04L2P (daily trajectory)
L3C (weekly/monthly)
CryoSat-2v2.1Reprocessed (+1 month)
Near-real time (+2 day)
2010-11ongoingL2P (daily trajectory)
L3C (weekly/monthly)