Please note that the Underway Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Probe (UCTD) requires experienced scientific staff on board. The installation of the system can be supported by ship's crew but the system is not operated by the ship's crew.

The water resistance of the system is unfortunately limited. In case of harsh weather conditions it is recommended to deinstall the system.




The system consits of a winch with davit, a rewinder, a CTD probe and a power supply case. Additionally a computer with bluetooth interface and running control software is needed.

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Time synchronising of UCTD probe is provided via Windows-Domain-Affiliation.
Geographical ship's position must be applied manually.

Rawdata storage on board

Data download from UCTD probe is executed via bluetooth to computer running control software.


No data transfer to DShip.

Data archiving on land

Not implemented, responsibility with respective user.

