Please note that operations of the Sediment Echo Sounder Atlas Parasound P70 requires experienced scientific staff on board for permanent supervision of data aquisition and storage. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Announce operations with the Sediment Echo Sounder Atlas Parasound P70 to AWI-Logistics prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.


Transducer Frequency 

High frequency: 19 - 38 kHz; Parametric signal: 0.5 - 6.0 kHz

Responsible Persons


The system consits of the transducer, the electronic unit, two computers with installed data acquisition and processing software ParaStore and the subsidiary display on the bridge. 
The transducer consists of four segments and is mounted without ice protection window in the box keel. The transducer transmits in the frequency range of 18 - 39 kHz and reaches water depth of 10 to 11000m. Frequency interferences generate "parametric low frequencies" between 0.5 and 6.0 kHz. Penetration depth into the sediment accounts for > 200m (depending on sediment properties) and the resolution is 6.1 cm.


Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Time synchronising is carried out via NMEA-telegram from the ZDA data set or via ntp between DIP2 and the central ntp-server of the on-board network. DIP2 functions as ntp-server for the computers and residual DIPs of the Parasound System.
The recorded geographical ship's position is the location of the central motion sensor MINS. The lever between transducer and the central motionsensor MINS is considered.


Rawdata storage on board


The data acquisition and processing software ParaStore creates rawdata on the local drive depending on system configuration. PHF = primary high frequency beam amplitudes, SLF = secondary low frequency beam amplitudes, SHF = secondary high frequency beam amplitudes. Synchonising of the local data directory to mass storage has to be carried out manually in the following data structure:




|| root directory | R:\data01\parasound\ || directory name | CruiseNo\XXX_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ CruiseNo\XXX_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ CruiseNo\XXX_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ CruiseNo\screenshots\ \\ CruiseNo\PSAUX\ \\ CruiseNo\DSHIP\ \\ with \\ XXX = PHF, SLF or SHF \\ YYYY = year \\ MM = month  day \\ e.g. \\ ANT25-3\PHF_ASD_20090113\ \\ ... || file name | PS3XXX\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3XXX\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ XXXYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ XXXYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\YYYYMMDD_hhmm*.bmp \\ ??? \\ NAV_YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD.txt \\ with \\ XXX = PHF, SLF or SHF \\ YYYY = year \\ MM = month \\ DD = day \\ hh = hour \\ mm = minute \\ ss = second \\ <identNo> = 8-digit running number ||








Additional information


External Manuals



*Rohdaten an Bord:* Die herstellerspezifische Datenerfassungs\- und Verarbeitungs-Software ParaStore des PCs erzeugt Rohdaten je nach Systemkonfiguration auf der lokal Datenplatte. * PHF = primary high frequency beam amplitudes * SLF = secondary low frequency beam amplitudes * SHF = secondary high frequency beam amplitudes Diese Daten werden manuell auf dem Massenspeicher in der folgenden Dateistruktur abgespeichert: || Stammverzeichnis || Verzeichnisname || Dateiname || | R:\data01\parasound\ | Reisenummer\PHF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\PHF_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\PHF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_ASD_3YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\screenshots\ \\ Reisenummer\PSAUX\ \\ Reisenummer\DSHIP\ | PS3PHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3PHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ PHFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ PHFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ PS3SLF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3SLF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ SLFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ SLFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ PS3SHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3SHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ SHFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ SHFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy\\ YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\YYYYMMDD_hhmm*.bmp \\ ??? \\ NAV_YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD.txt | mit YYYY = Jahr; MM = Monat; DD = Tag; hh = tunde; mm = Minute; ss = Sekunde; <identNo> = 8 stellige Laufende Nummer Dabei belegt die Dateistruktur das folgende Volumen: {metadata-list}|| Volumen (MB pro Tag) ca. | ??? || || Anzahl Dateien pro Tag ca. | ??? ||{metadata-list} *Rohdaten an Land:* Je nach Absprache mit der AWI-Logistik und mit dem oben genannten Geräteverantwortlichen besteht die Möglichkeit die gewonnenen Rohdaten, nachdem sie mit Metadaten versehen worden sind, über [PANGAEA|] zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Für eine Liste aller gespeicherten Daten verwenden Sie diesen Link


Ein serieller Ausgang der Elektronik-Einheiten ist an einem

Lantronix 16-Port

Terminalserver im




|| Gerätename | PS || || Messwerte | water depth \[m\]

Für eine Liste aller im DShip-System gespeicherten Daten verwenden Sie diesen Link