Please note that operations of the Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 requires experienced scientific staff on board. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Announce operations with the Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 to AWI-Logistics prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.

Data quality of Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 is decreased by operating other Echo Sounders. Repeatable disturbances wered detected from simultaneously operating a) POSIDONIA, b) Deep Water Sounder Simrad EA 500 DWS, c) Sonar Doppler Speed Log DOLOG and d) Sediment Echo Sounder Parasound P70. Switch off these Echo Sounders for high data quality.


Transducer Frequency:

18, 38, 70, 120, 200 kHz

Responsible Persons


The system consits of five "split beam" transducers (ES-18, ES-38B, ES-70C, ES-120C, ES-200C) located in the box keel, five General Purpose Transceivers (GPTs) in Geräteraum and a computer with data acquisition and processing software installed in wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsraum.

38 kHz

70 kHz

120 und 200 kHz



Data logging, storage and archiving

Measurement data are stored in the local data on board. 
After the cruise, the operator must transfer the measurement data to AWI in accordance with AWI Logistics and via central AWI-data-transfer, where required meta data are added for data archiving and further processing. 

Logged parameters

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Time synchronising of the computers is regulated via the affiliation to the Windows domain. Additionally, the NMEA-String ZDA is stored in the data files.
The geographical ship's position is transferred to the Master PC together with the NMEA-String and to the data files.
There is no centering of the GPS Position to the transducers. 

Rawdata storage on board

The data acquisition and processing software ER60 creates rawdata in the following data structure:
|| root directory | \\polsrv1\data01\fishsounder\... || directory name | CruiseNo \ \\ e.g. \\ ANT25_3\ || file name | CruiseNo-Dyyyymmdd-Thhmmss.raw \\ with: \\ yyyy = year \\ mm = month \\ dd = day \\ hh = hour \\ mm = minute \\ ss = second \\ e.g. \\ ANT25_3-D20090113-T144735.raw || 
|| Data volume (MB per day) ca | 3500 || 
|| Number of files per day ca | 100 ||


No data are transferred to DShip.

Data archiving on land

*Rohdaten an Land:* Je nach Absprache mit der AWI-Logistik und mit dem oben genannten Geräteverantwortlichen besteht die Möglichkeit die gewonnenen Rohdaten, nachdem sie mit Metadaten versehen worden sind, über [PANGAEA|] zur Verfügung zu stellen.
After the cruise the operator transfers the complete measurement data to AWI via central AWI-data-transfer. Then, the data (including meta data) can be extracted from (for authorized users only). The reduced, unevaluated DShip data set can be extracted from

PANGAEA Directory structure:

??? /<_PANGAEA-Dir_>/???/<_CruiseNo_>/ ???
|| File format(s) | ??? || 
|| Calibration certificates | NO ||


External Manuals
