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You can open a support ticket on or by writing an email to Please do not send a personal email to an admin!


Local user storage

Personal directoriesProject directories
Quota (soft)100 GB3TB50 TB

30 €/TB/yr

10 €/TB/yr

Quota (hard)100 GB15 TB for 90 days--

2x soft quota for 90 days


Delete90 days after user account expiredall data after 90 days90 days after project expiredall data after 90 days after 10 days
SecuritySnapshots for 6 months--Snapshots for 6 months----
Permission2700 → drwx--S---2770 → rwxrws---1777 → rwxwrxrwt
Focusmany small files
large files, large bandwidth

low latency, huge bandwidth

System storage

Is installed and maintained in /albedo/home/soft/:

  • ./AWIsoft → binaries
  • ./AWIbuild → sources
  • ./AWImodules → additional/customized modules

If you need space here, please contact

Remote user storage

  • You can access your online space on the Isilon in Bremerhaven (see for more information) via the mountpoints
  • albedo is connected with the AWI backbone (including the Isilon) via four 100 Gb interfaces.
    Each single albedo node has a 10 Gb interface.

Compute nodes & Slurm

  • To work interactively on a compute node use salloc. You can use all options (more CPU, RAM, time, partition, qos, ...) described below.
  • To submit a job from the login nodes to the compute nodes you need slurm (job scheduler, batch queueing system and workload manager)
  • A submitted job has/needs the following information/resources:

    -J or --job-name=

    Account -A or --account=-- New on albedo (was not necessary on ollie)
    Number of nodes
    -N or --nodes=
    Number of (MPI-)tasks (per node)
    -n or --ntasks=
    1Needed for MPI
    Number of cores/threads per task
    -c or --cpus-per-task=

    Needed for OpenMP
    If -n N and -c C is given, you get N x C cores.

    Memory/RAM per CPU

    ntasks x nthreads x 1.6 GBOnly needed for smp-jobs, mpp-jobs get whole nodes (cores and memory)

    Maximum walltime

    -t or --time=
    -p or --partition=
    qos (quality of service)-q or --qos=normal
  • Please take a look at our examples scripts (from ollie) SLURM Example Scripts


smp240For OpenMP or serial jobs with up to 36 (OpenMP) cores. Jobs may share nodes (until all cores are occupied).
mpp240For MPI-parallel jobs, typically >=36 cores. Jobs get nodes exclusively
fat4For OpenMP or serial jobs that need >256 GiB RAM
gpu1For jobs that can take advantage from a Nvidia A100/80 


QOSmax. timemax nodes
usage factor
short00:30:00128 / 312 / 3121High priority, jobs in this qos run first
normal12:00:00128 / 312 / 3121Default
large96:00:008 / 16 / 642
xlarge400:00:001 / 2 / 810Only on request. Use at own risk, consider short jobs with restarts if possible
knurd--1For admins only

Useful SLURM commands

  • sinfo shows existing queues
  • scontrol show job <JobID> shows information about specific job
  • sstat <JobID> shows resources used by a specific job
  • squeue shows information about queues and used nodes
  • smap curses-graphic of queues and nodes
  • sbatch <script> submits a batch job
  • salloc <resources> requests access to compute nodes for interactive use
  • scancel <JobID> cancels a batch job
  • srun <ressources> <executable> starts a (parallel) code
  • sshare and sprio give information on fair share value and job priority
  • No labels