Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Character encoding


Field / column separatorTabulator “\t”
End of record markerNew line “\n”

The header must consist of a column named “datetime” and 1-n columns having a static name describing your raw parameter.
If you convert from a different table-like dataset your driver could also take over the raw column headers.
The “datetime” column must always be the first column.
The column headers should not have any special characters except hyphen "-" or underscore "_" and no spaces.

datetime    TEMP    SAL

Header - Units

Units may be given in square brackets [], following each raw parametercolumn name, separated by a space “ “:

datetime    TEMP [°C]    SAL [psu]

Units are optional but really make sense in this very first step because in the INGEST-to-DASHBOARD workflow they would be automatically
appended to the dataset up these units in databases such as the Dashboard.

If you desire to store texts such as sample numbers or comments in your file, you have to append a unit \ [text\]! Example:

datetime    TEMP [°C]    SAL [psu]     SAMPLE-ID [text]
2019-02-28 15:50:00    -0.5445   34.1234    PS83/1_233-1

Date time format

Expected time zone: UTC

Allowed date formats:

yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.fff
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS

Decimal symbolDot "."
Data values

Decimal values, integer numbers or characters (just no tabulators!)

34.56556    23    334.43E-2    SAMPLE1PS83/1_233-1

For use of Data-WS only: The Data-WS only accepts numbers as input for each column (including number formats such as 334.43E-2) .

About texts (or non-numeric characters):

If you want to store texts, the column's unit must be \ [text\]!
For columns which do not have the unit \ [text\] all characters or words (such as “inf”, “NaN”, “SAMPLE1”) will result in an import error.
Texts cannot contain tabs or newlines.

Error valuesEmpty field (simply give a null string, but do not forget to add tabs a tab as data field separator)