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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Character encoding


Field / column separatorTabulator “\t”
End of record markerNew line “\n”

The header must consist of a column named “datetime” and 1-n columns having a static name describing your raw parameter.
If you convert from a different table-like dataset your driver could also take over the raw column headers.
The “datetime” column must always be the first column.

datetime    TEMP    SAL

Header - Units

Units may be given in square brackets [], following each raw parameter, separated by a space “ “:

datetime    TEMP [°C]    SAL [psu]

Units are optional but really make sense in this very first step because in the INGEST-to-DASHBOARD workflow they would be automatically
appended to the data.

If you desire to store texts such as sample numbers or comments in your file, you have to append a unit \[text\]!

Date time format

Expected time zone: UTC

Allowed date formats:

yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.fff
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS

Decimal symbolDot "."
Data values

Decimal values, integer numbers or characters (just no tabulators!)

34.56556    23    334.43E-2    SAMPLE1

For use of Data-WS only: The Data-WS only accepts numbers as input for each column except when its unit is "text"column (including number formats such as 334.43E-2) .
If you want to store texts, the column's unit must be \[text\]!
For columns which do not have the unit "\[text" \] all characters or words (such as “inf”, “NaN”, “SAMPLE1”) will result in an import error.

Error valuesEmpty field (simply give a null string, but do not forget to add tabs as data field separator)

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