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Guideline for planning and realization of expeditionen with RV Polarstern

This Wiki addresses participants of expeditions with RV Polarstern, especially those to work and to do research onboard for the first time. Experience participants may use the Wiki as reference for information and questions  about Polarstern expeditions.

It is advised to read the Wiki to ensure smooth planning and realization of the expedition before starting individual preparations .

RV Polarstern was brought into service December 6th, 1982. It is owned by the German government represented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, who entrusts the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz centre for polar and marine research with using it for the German polar research.

Design and characteristics of the ship are dominated by the double function of research vessel and icebreaker in the polar areas of northern and southern hemisphere. RV Polarstern has the mission to supply the German antarctic station Neumayer-Station III and to enable outstanding research in the polar areas. The ship is an excellent icebreaker and has very good seagoing features thus making scientific work possible in ice covered areas as well as in heavy weather at sea.

The team of the Alfred Wegener Institute wishes crew and participants a safe and happy journey and always a hand-span of water under the keel.

Bremerhaven, April 2017


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This reference work was accomplished in cooperation of AWI, ship operator Reederei F. Laeisz (Bremerhaven) GmbH, company FIELAX GmbH the crew of Polarstern.