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Metadata (Metadata Plugin)
The recorded geographical ship's position is the location of the central motion sensor MINS. The lever between transducer and the central motionsensor MINS is considered.


Rawdata storage on board


Metadata (Metadata Plugin)
The data acquisition and processing software ParaStore creates rawdata on the local drive depending on system configuration. PHF = primary high frequency beam amplitudes, SLF = secondary low frequency beam amplitudes, SHF = secondary high frequency beam amplitudes. Synchonising of the local data directory to mass storage has to be carried out manually in the following data structure:




Metadata list
|| root directory | R:\data01\parasound\ || directory name | CruiseNo\XXX_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ \\ CruiseNo\XXX_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ CruiseNo\XXX_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ CruiseNo\screenshots\ \\ \\ CruiseNo\PSAUX\ \\ \\ CruiseNo\DSHIP\ \\ \\ with \\ XXX = PHF, SLF or SHF \\ YYYY = year \\ MM = month  day \\ \\e.g. \\ ANT25-3\PHF_ASD_20090113\ \\ ... || file name | PS3XXX\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3XXX\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ \\ XXXYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ \\ XXXYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ \\ YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\YYYYMMDD_hhmm*.bmp \\ \\ ??? \\ \\ NAV_YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD.txt \\ \\ with \\ XXX = PHF, SLF or SHF \\ YYYY = year \\ MM = month \\ DD = day \\ hh = hour \\ mm = minute \\ ss = second \\ <identNo> = 8-digit running number ||








Additional information


External Manuals



Metadata list
|| Data volume (MB per day) ca | ??? || 
|| Number of files per day ca | ??? ||




Metadata (Metadata Plugin)
The serial output of the electronic unit is connected to a Lantronix 16-Port terminal server in the server room.




Metadata list
|| Device name | PS || 
|| Parameters | water depth \[m\] ||

Data archiving on land 

Metadata (Metadata Plugin)
After the cruise, the operator transfers the measurement data along with required meta data to AWI after consultaion with the data scientist and AWI Logistics. Then, the data (including meta data) can be extracted from (for authorized users only). The reduced, unevaluated DShip data set can be extracted from
Metadata list
|| File format(s)
Metadata (Metadata Plugin)
*Rohdaten an Bord:* Die herstellerspezifische Datenerfassungs\- und Verarbeitungs-Software ParaStore des PCs erzeugt Rohdaten je nach Systemkonfiguration auf der lokal Datenplatte. * PHF = primary high frequency beam amplitudes * SLF = secondary low frequency beam amplitudes * SHF = secondary high frequency beam amplitudes Diese Daten werden manuell auf dem Massenspeicher in der folgenden Dateistruktur abgespeichert: || Stammverzeichnis || Verzeichnisname || Dateiname || | R:\data01\parasound\ | Reisenummer\PHF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\PHF_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\PHF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_PS3_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SLF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_ASD_YYYYMMDD\ \\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_ASD_3YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\SHF_SGY_YYYYMMDD\ \\ Reisenummer\screenshots\ \\ Reisenummer\PSAUX\ \\ Reisenummer\DSHIP\ | PS3PHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3PHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ PHFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ PHFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ PS3SLF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3SLF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ SLFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ SLFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy \\ PS3SHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf \\ PS3SHF\_YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ\_<identNo>.asd.acf.idx \\ SHFYYMMDDhhmm.ps3 \\ SHFYYMMDDhhmm.sgy\\ YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\YYYYMMDD_hhmm*.bmp \\ ??? \\ NAV_YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD.txt | mit YYYY = Jahr; MM = Monat; DD = Tag; hh = tunde; mm = Minute; ss = Sekunde; <identNo> = 8 stellige Laufende Nummer Dabei belegt die Dateistruktur das folgende Volumen: {metadata-list}|| Volumen (MB pro Tag) ca. | ??? || 
|| Anzahl Dateien pro Tag ca. Calibration certificates | ??? ||{metadata-list} *Rohdaten an Land:* Je nach Absprache mit der AWI-Logistik und mit dem oben genannten Geräteverantwortlichen besteht die Möglichkeit die gewonnenen Rohdaten, nachdem sie mit Metadaten versehen worden sind, über [PANGAEA|] zur Verfügung zu stellen.



Ein serieller Ausgang der Elektronik-Einheiten ist an einem



External Manuals



Lantronix 16-Port

Terminalserver im





Metadata list
|| Gerätename | PS || || Messwerte | water depth \[m\]
