Versions Compared


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Connect to \\\ within windows explorer (use the right mouse button and add a network device). You can either search for shared directories or directly connect with e.g., \\\projects\<project>.

The Linux Way




The HSM file systems are shared and mounted automatically on most Linux server and clients (but not on laptops). A simple ls /hs/projects/ should do. If you should miss a directory please contact


On laptops you can mount HSM directories via smb. You can use any file manager (thunar, nautilus, ...) or the commad line:

Code Block
sudo mount    -t cifs -o username=$          //hssrv2/Projects          /mnt  # short form
sudo mount -v -t cifs -o username=$,vers=3.0 // /mnt # long form

# "sometimes" these work, too:
# kinit $USER
# sudo mount -t cifs -o sec=krb5 // /mnt # short form
# sudo mount -t cifs -o username=$USER,domain=DMAWI,workgroup=DMAWI.DE,password=$PW,sec=krb5,vers=3.11 // /mnt  # long form

Read/Write Access

The HSM system ist shared/exported/mounted read only. To write data into the tape archive use one of the following options:


Note: If you have to archive many (>100 000) small (<100 MB) files this will stress the system more than necessary. Please zip or tar[.gz] your directories and upload these compressed files.

Example: Copy a lot of data from HSM to HPC

Assuming you want to copy a lot of data from "/hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_[Record All]/111498_RGB" (note the special characters you should avoid on all costs (warning) )

  1. Check how many files are online:
    Code Block
    ssh hssrv2 " -Cc -f '/hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_[Record All]/111498_RGB'"
    Checking >/hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_[Record All]/111498_RGB<
       Total files:   ... 12083
       Online files:  ... 7637
       Staging files: ... 4299
       Size:          ... 857G
  2. Stage your data (only needed once, in the output shown before this was done some time ago): 
    Code Block
    ssh hssrv2 " -Cstage  -f '/hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_[Record All]/111498_RGB'"
  3. You can start copying already staged files whenever you want:
    Code Block
    ssh hssrv2 "samcli file find /hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_\[Record\ All\]/111498_RGB/ --online " > /tmp/files-online.txt
    rsync -Pauv --no-R --chmod 664 --files-from=/tmp/files-online.txt hssrv2:/ .
  4. You can repeat step 3 whenever you feel it is necessary and finally copy all remaining files (when thy are finally online) with

    Code Block
    rsync -Pauv --chmod 664 hssrv2:/hs/platforms/WORM/aircraft/polar6/macs/exdata/P6-244_ANT_23_24_2311300801/20231130-141433_\[Record\ All\]/111498_RGB/ .

Object Storage (S3)

  • ScoutAM provides a S3-gateway to access data. 
  • Currently this in the testing phase.
  • We consider/plan to provide S3 storage via eResources in he future (Speculation: Q4/2024)
  • Only TLS connections are possible. Please use this certificate:  HSM_S3gw.cert.pem