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The current team:




Member since

Jasmin Groß

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Hi everyone, my name is Jasmin, 34 years old, from Germany but have lived overseas for 12 years before starting mypostdoc at the HIFMB in Oldenburg in February 2022. My background is in food web ecology and cetacean physiology. Now I'm working on biogeochemical modeling of carbon flow through different trophic levels in the Southern Ocean with a focus on baleen whales as climate engineers.

I was already a member of the AWI Postdoc team in the 2022/2023 cycle and would love to continue the work the team has started. We got very actively involved in the reform of the WissenschaftsZeitVertragsGesetz by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research by writing a petition, talking to the AWI Directorate, speaking at a panel discussion in Bremen, doing an HIFMB Podcast episode and a YouTube Live session at the AWIs4Future “Wissenschaft fürs Wohnzimmer”. We are also working on issues regarding the new time recording system and mobile working regulations as well as the establishment of a Helmholtz-wide Postdoc network and the 1st AWI Postdoc Days.


Bennet Juhls

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Vanessa Skiba



Francesca Falcini

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Nora-Charlotte Pauli

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Lona van Delden

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Hi,I am Lona, originally from the Rheinland and now back in Germany with AWI’s Permafrost Section, Geo Division. I am primarily a soil scientist focusing on biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas fluxes. After my PhD studies on the effects of land use change due to urbanization on greenhouse gas emissions, I have done postdoc projects in Stuttgart, Kuopio (Finland) and now Potsdam. My current work is focusing on the contribution of the non-growing season to annual greenhouse gas budgets of northern pristine environments.

I was already a member of the AWI Postdoc team in the 2022/2023 cycle and am happily continuing with this awesome group of highly engaged fellow researchers. Additionally to the discussions and work of our broad activity spectrum, such as WissZeitVG reform, remote working at AWI and the 1st AWI Postdoc Days, I am supporting AWI postdocs individually on family matters and gender equality/code of conduct issues. Feel free to check out my work or get in contact with me for a chat.