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Basic usage

rsync -Pauv $SDIR $SERV:/$DDIR/
  • Copies a source directory from the local server to the destination directory on a specified server.

  • Only newer files are copied.

  • Interrupted transmissions are continued

Copy to project directories

rsync -Pauv --no-group $SDIR $SERV:/$DDIR/
  • Everything beneath a project directory should belong to the project, hence chgrp -R $PROJECT $PROJ_DIR is executed automatically on several AWI systems.
  • A later/successive rsync into a project directory will reset (copy again) the file, if the group does not match. Use --no-group to prevent this. 

Set group/user and permissions

rsync -Pvrupog --chown=$USR:$GRP --chmod=D770,F660,Dg+s  $SDIR  $SERV:$/DDIR/
  • Sets user, group and sgid at the destination

  • please google yourself for more information on the specified options (wink)

Parallel rsync

cd $SDIR
ls | parallel -j8 rsync -Pauv {} $SERV:$DDIR/
ls | xargs -n1 -P8 -I% rsync -Pauv % $SERV:$DDIR/
  • Copy several (e.g. 8) directories at once.

  • Use with care, with a huge number you can easily jam the network (and you do surly (warning) not want to do that (wink))
