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  • All scientific devices used during the expedition have to be registered in SENSORWeb (

  • Please check that all your devices are registered and correctly configured in SENSORWeb. If you are unsure please check with your group PIs or the chief editors of your team (see Chief Editors)

  • You need to be registered as ‘Data Provider’ SENSORWeb for all devices for which you want to upload data onto the MCS. Please contact the device PI or the chief editors of your team if you have to be registered as ‘Data Provider’ on any device.

  • If you also need to make changes to devices in SENSORWeb e.g. change configurations, add actions for lab analyses, you need a SENSORWeb-Account and have to be registered as Editor on these devices. Please contact o2a-support (at) copying the chief editor of your team to get an account. Please state your team, name, email, institute, country and city of your institute.  

  • If you still need to register devices in SENSORWeb please contact the chief editors of your team (see Chief Editors) and follow the workflow described below.

  • If you have an account, but forgot your password please contact o2a-support (at)

Chief Editor

  • Collects information on devices to be entered in SensorWeb
  • monitor devices in SensorWeb for team to ensure best practices are followed
  • acts as first contact for questions on SensorWeb for team.
  • spreads knowledge on updates of SensorWeb in team.

Sign MOSAiC Data Policy

Please sign and hand in the MOSAiC Data Policy to Details can be found under MOSAiC Data Policy.

This is a prerequisite to obtaining a user account to access the IT infrastructure on board Polarstern and at the AWI after the expedition.

Fill out required information on expected data rates

Fill out data transfer rates and volumes in the device management list.

The device management list can be found MS Teams MOSAiC_all/General/Groups/Data/Dataplanning_Lists/MOSAiC_Device_Data_Management_List_V2.xlsx

Data Management

Add devices to


    1. Device Contact aka Device Editor collects Initial SensorWeb Information in Device Management List in the columns and contacts Chief Editors of his/her Team to initiate device in SensorWeb
      • Short Name: please choose a catchy and unique short name for your (device name and serial number, e.g. “HandCTD_6678”)
      • Platform: please choose a platform from the list that your device will be used on (e.g. Polarstern, Ice_Station, Polar5, …)
      • Individual Device-Editor, who will enter/edit all the details for the device. Everyone who will bring a device to MOSAiC is a potential device editor unless other workflows were defined in teams.
      • Chief Editors (per Team), who will keep an overview of the devices for the team
    2. Chief Editors sends Initial Device-Information to o2a-support (at) awi.dede including following information about the Device Editor 
      • Name, Surname,  
      • Email
      • Institute
      • Telephone Nr.
      • City 
      • Country
      • Including following information about the Device Editor 
    3. SensorWeb SensorWeb-Team creates device under specified platform and adds Device Editor and Initial Editor as Editors for device
      • Device Editor can now enter and edit all information 
      • exception: short name!
      • Reassign to different platform: need to contact initial editor and/or o2a-support (at) 
      • Collects information on devices to be entered in SensorWeb
      • monitor devices in SensorWeb for team to ensure best practices are followed
      • acts as first contact for questions on SensorWeb for team.
      • spreads knowledge on updates of SensorWeb in team.
      • Device Editor can now enter and edit all information  
      • Chief Editor
    4. Device Editor enters SENSOR-URN and SENSOR-ID of device in SensorWeb in Device Management List in respective columns
      • de

More Information on SENSOR

see SENSOR metadata system

Follow Best Practices

For display in automatic download on board and/or display in DASHBOARD:

Account to access ARM data on board Polarstern

MOSAiC participants on the ship who need access to ARM data, including data plots, are encouraged to use the ARM Access Request System (ARS) to request an account before the expedition. An account can be requested under the following link:

Software to bring to Polarstern for your personal laptops and cellphones

  • RocketChat App (RocketChat - User)
  • Remote Desktop Client to access Virtual Machines:
    • X2Go (also provided for standard Operating Systems in repository onboard)
    • or if desired: NX (NoMachine)
    • Microsoft RDP for Windows 10

More information

General IT Infrastructure

Network on the ice

Internet, Email, Telephone

Handover of Data Management

  • When planning for the handover please also take some time to handle the specific data management strategy for the devices in your group. This includes how device operations are logged in DSHIP ActionLog and what needs to be configured and reflected in SENSORWeb.

  • Please check out the information provided at Data Management where further information can be found regarding the data management.

More information

IT Infrastructure

Internet, Email, Telephone

Network on the iceGet User Account and Change password