Versions Compared


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  • sinfo shows existing queues
    For example to check how many nodes are available in a given partition (mpp, fat, gpu...)
    Code Block
    sinfo -p<partition_name>
  • scontrol show job <JobID> shows information about specific job
  • sstat <JobID> shows resources used by a specific job
  • squeue shows information about queues and used nodes
  • sbatch <script> submits a batch job
  • salloc <resources> requests access to compute nodes for interactive use
  • scancel <JobID> cancels a batch job
  • srun <ressources> <executable> starts a (parallel) code
  • sshare and sprio give information on fair share value and job priority
  • sreport -t Percent cluster UserUtilizationByAccount  Start=$(date +%FT%T -d "1 month ago")  Format=used,login,account | head -20 top usage users  during the last month
