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Load the analysis-toolbox:

Code Block
[mandresm@albedo1:~]$ module load analysis-toolbox
[mandresm@albedo1:~]$ jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip=


[I 15:26:36.310 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.5.3 is running at:


[I 15:26:36.310 NotebookApp] http://albedo1:8891/?token=asdasdads


[I 15:26:36.310 NotebookApp]  or


[I 15:26:36.310 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).


[C 15:26:36.313 NotebookApp] 




    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:




    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:






On the local machine, paste the URL including the albedo0 or albedo1 word into your browser, but replace albedo0 or albedo1 by by or respectively.


Background: By default, Jupyer notebook uses /run/user/<uid> as default directory for small files like notebook_cookie_secret. If you log in by ssh, /run/user/<uid> is created and it is removed when you close your last login session on the computer. However, if you enter a node via Slurm sbatch, salloc, or srun, /run/user/<uid> is not available. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR sets a different path.

Code Block
mandresm@albedo1:~$ salloc --partition=gpu --gpus=1 -A computing.computing --time=00:30:00


salloc: Pending job allocation 6526219


salloc: job 6526219 queued and waiting for resources


salloc: job 6526219 has been allocated resources


salloc: Granted job allocation 6526219


salloc: Waiting for resource configuration


salloc: Nodes gpu-001 are ready for job


mandresm@gpu-001:~$ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/tmp_$SLURM_JOBID"


mandresm@gpu-001:~$ module load analysis-toolbox


mandresm@gpu-001:~$ jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip=




[I 15:37:11.953 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /albedo/home/mandresm


[I 15:37:11.953 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.5.3 is running at:


[I 15:37:11.953 NotebookApp] http://gpu-001:8888/?token=123


[I 15:37:11.953 NotebookApp]  or


[I 15:37:11.953 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).


[C 15:37:11.958 NotebookApp] 




    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:




    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:





Now, we have to establish an SSH tunnel from your PC to the compute node, in this case gpu-001, to forward the Jupyter Notebook. Check the port number - usually 8888 for jupyter notebook, but it might differ. Open a new local terminal and execute:

Code Block
mandresm@blik0256:~$ ssh -NL localhost:8888:gpu-001:8888

If you have ssh automatically configured to connect to Albedo then the process will be idling at this point. If you are requested your password then enter your password and again there will be no output. You don't need to do anything here anymore, just leave this local terminal open.
