Versions Compared


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The factors (except of the nice_factor (default is zero), which can be set by the user to downgrade the jobs priority by the setting --nice=...), are numbers in the range from 0 to 1.
They are shortly explained in the following.

You can check the recent usage of albedo with this command: 

Code Block
sreport -t Percent cluster UserUtilizationByAccount  Start=$(date +%FT%T -d "1 week ago")  Format=used,login,account

The fairshare factor is the most important factor here, but also the most difficult factor to understand. This factor is calculated using the "classic" fairshare algorithm of Slurm ( It computes the fairshare for each user based on the recent usage of the system.
Note, the usage of your associated account is *not* taken into accunt here, as it was the case on ollie!
Usage is basically "CPU seconds", but weighted using the UsageFactor depending on the used QOS (see section QOS). Furthermore, the usage taken into account here decays with time (with a half life time of 7 days).
Fairshare is the calculated by
