Versions Compared


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  1. do not  use -xHost, because Intel does not "recognize" AMD (officially for security reasons (wink). Therefore use: -xcore-avx2
  2. These options were used by NEC during the FESOM2 benchmark:
    PT = -O3 -qopt-report5 -no-prec-div -ip -fp-model=fast=2 -implicitnone -march=core-avx2 -fPIC –qopenmp -qopt-malloc-options=2 -qopt-prefetch=5 -unroll-aggressive 
    These are (at least partially) quite important for good performance. However, we do not have the experience which are more or less critical. Be careful, some options might kill reproducibility (e.g., -fp-model=fast=2).
  3. Natalja is now responsible for this: let's stll benefit from here knowledge (wink)
  4. Independent on the MPI used, please try runtime setting
    for your jobs. According to NEC for smaller Jobs it might be beneficial to replace "dc_x" with "rc_x".


On albedo we mainly use spack to install software and provide module files.
