Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Albedo is running the operating system Rocky Linux release 8.6 (Green Obsidian).
  • Slurm 22.05 is used as the job scheduling system. Important details on its configuration on Albedo are given here: Slurm.
  • Details on the user software can be found here: Software.

Environment modules

On albedo we use environment modules to load/unload specific versions of software. Loading a module modifies environment variables so that the shell e.


g. knows where to look for binaries.

You get an overview of all software installed by typing

Code Block
module avail

To load and unload a module use

Code Block
# load
module load <module>

# unload
module unload <loaded module>

Sometimes it might be useful to unload all loaded modules at once. This is done with

Code Block
module purge

Usage of node's internal storage
