Versions Compared


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  • Albedo is running the operating system Rocky Linux release 8.6 (Green Obsidian).
  • Slurm 22.05 is used as the job scheduling system. Important details on its configuration on Albedo are given here: Slurm.
  • Details on the user software can be found here: Software.
  • ... environment modules

Usage of node's internal storage

All compute (including fat and gpu) nodes have a local NVMe disk mounted as /tmp. The GPU nodes have an additional storage /scratch. See System overview for the exact sizes.  We strongly encourage you to use these node-internal storage, which is faster than the global /albedo storage, if your job does lots of reading/writing. In particular, it might be beneficial to write your job output to the local disk and copy it to /albedo after your job is finished.

Code Block
# Copy input data to the node, where your main MPI (rank 0) task runs
rsync -ur $INPUT_DATA /tmp/

# If you need the input data on every node, you have to add `srun` in front of the copy command
srun rsync -ur $INPUT_DATA /tmp/

# do the main calculation

# Copy your results from node where main MPI (rank 0) task runs to global storage
rsync -r /tmp/output/* /albedo/scratch/$MYPROJECT/output/