Versions Compared


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  • sinfo shows existing queues
  • scontrol show job <JobID> shows information about specific job
  • sstat <JobID> shows resources used by a specific job
  • squeue shows information about queues and used nodes
  • smap curses-graphic of queues and nodes
  • sbatch <script> submits a batch job
  • salloc <resources> requests access to compute nodes for interactive use
  • scancel <JobID> cancels a batch job
  • srun <ressources> <executable> starts a (parallel) code
  • sshare and sprio give information on fair share value and job priority

Example Scripts

ToDO... Additionally, take a look at our examples scripts (from ollie) SLURM Example Scripts Sebastian Hinck 

Job arrays

Job arrays in Slurm are an easy way to submit multiple similar jobs (e.g. executing the same script with multiple input data). See here for further details.



How you “translate” your task ID into a concrete command that is executed is up to you. You could, for example, also have different scripts that you select in some way and execute.


Sebastian Hinck 


Sebastian Hinck 

Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP)


Sebastian Hinck