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Table of Contents

Recommended storage locations

When you need more disk space you have four options:

  • Option 1: Delete (unnecessary data)
  • Option 2: /netscratch (temporary data)
  • Option 3: Tape Archive (cold data)
  • Option 4: Isilon (online data)


Windows, Linux and MacOS manage and interpret access permissions to files in different ways, sometimes not compatible with each other. For this reason two different /netscratch directories are provided:

recommended for  Linux

recommended for Windows 



Everything you store here is, at first, only changeable by you.

Everything you store here is, at fist, readable, changable and deletable by everyone


New files and directorties are only readable by you. You can add further users or groups via the Windows-Fileexplorer, in the tab "Properties → Security", but this will compromise or overwrite the previously defined Linux permissions.

You can change the permissions by using the Windows-Fileexplorer, in the tab - "Properties → Security"


New files and directores are readable by everyone. You can change the access permissions for the owner and group by using chmod and/or chgrp.

You can change the permissions with chmod and chgrp, but this will compromise or overwrite the previously defined Windows permissions.


See Windows

See Windows


You can check the occupied disk space with
