Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • If the content of a file changes a new archive copy has to be produced. (You can not modify just the relevant bits on the tape.)
  • The previous archive copy becomes useless (aside from having an additional backup of a previous version).
  • If a file is deleted, the archive copy becomes useless, too.
  • Both processes result in unused (invalid) sections on a tape. 
  • Eventually only a small part of a tape contains relevant (up to date) information. The residual data is archived on other tapes, the old tape is erased and can be used for future archive copies.
  • This happens by the following tasks:
    1. The recycler marks the tape and/or files with R.
    2. The next archiver run finds these files and starts re-archiving, the R flag of the file vanishes and a new vsn (volume serial name) for this copy is set.
    3. The recycler recognises that all files are copied somewhere else, because they have a new unique vsn. The old tape gets the status c (old candiadat) and depending on the settings in /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.delay an atq job is scheduled for /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/scripts/

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